Proceeds to benefit accelerate brain cancer cure


Friday, February 11, 2011

Justin vs. Dad

This has been a very stressful week for Justin and the family as we were at Mass General Hospital(MGH) in Boston for testing. You would think it would get easier for these appointments, but quite the contrary it is harder. We were so impressed by MGH and all the doctors that we meet. Everyone was so nice to Justin, we really appreciate that and they have been following his Quest. He was like a little celebrity and they were very appreciative of all his efforts to find a cure for brain tumors and raise awareness. We want to give a special shout out to Stephanie and Dr. MacDonald for making our visit possible, they are awesome. It has been an emotional roller coaster for the almost 2 years since he has been diagnosed. We are now coming to the end of Justin's Quest next weekend at the NBA All Star event and it is so bitter sweet. We are so happy that Justin has made a difference but we want to say at some point in his life that Justin "HAD" a brain tumor. Justin is supposed to shoot his last 3 hoops at the NBA All Star practice on Saturday morning in front of all the media and the 26 All Star players present. We still have no idea which of the 26 he will shoot with. He is so excited. To get ready for his last shots, Justin and I played 3 games of horse and guess who won.... NOT ME..of course Justin destroyed me. It was a very nice bonding moment for him and I to talk about what is going on in his life and the stresses of this past week. We discussed who he wants to shoot his last shots with and he said any of the 26 players would be great but he said he would love to shoot with Lebron or Kobe too. Justin and I shot 50 baskets in total.


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