Proceeds to benefit accelerate brain cancer cure


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

High School Has Started

Hard to believe that Justin is a Freshman in high school. He loves his new school and already has made new friends and Justin is very excited that he made the varsity soccer team. Justin told us what we thought to be a very nice and touching story. In one of his classes the teacher asked each kid the question " what would you do with a million dollars?". Justin not being bashful or afraid to tell people he has a brain tumor, Justin said "I would take that money and try and find a cure for brain tumors". He then proceeded to tell the students and the teacher that he has a brain tumor and that he started Justin's Quest to find a cure for brain tumors and raise awareness. The class started clapping for Justin.I share this story with you to again illustrate Justin's commitment to make a difference and find a cure. He was very excited to tell us this story. Justin's Quest is a part of his life. We will keep you posted on Justin's next endeavor to raise awareness and help find a cure for brain tumors.