Unbelievable Coincidence
I received an email from a person named Scott the other day. He went to the Justin's Quest website after searching the Internet. He has a very touching story. He has 4 boys all with names that start with J's as we also have 4 boys with first names starting with J's but most compelling his second son named JUSTIN has a brain tumor also. Our Justin is our second son also.This is very eerie. Scott's Justin is 9 years old and has had to endure 3 surgeries and proton beam radiation. Scott and I talked and could not get over our similar situations. We sent the family Justin's Quest wristbands. Scott's Justin sent me a very touching email thanking me and saying that he will always wear the band. My Justin was very touched by the story as was our whole family. We hope to get both families together to meet soon. Justin is still on the radio and please go visit www.abc2.org.